
Showing posts from November, 2018

Chicago History

I chose to write about John Wayne Gacy. I chose this because when I have TV on sometimes there would short documentary’s about what he did to the 33 boys he killed in des planes in Illinois. I didn’t choose the other topics because they didn’t really stand out to me like John Wayne Gacy.  I was debating to choose John Wayne Gacy & Walt Disney. I thought to my self which one do I know more about... which one sounds more cool? I know this about John Wayne Gacy... He Hurt teen boys and killed them and buried them under his house. He died by  Lethal injection in Stateville Correctional  Center.


Yesterday was thanksgiving. It was a VERY good holiday. Yesterday in the morning we Watched the Macy’s thanksgiving parade. Then after that we started cooking, we cooked all day. We cooked, Sweet Potatoes, Greenbean Carrasorole, Turkey, Cranberry jelly, Fluffy pumpkin cheesecake, and that was it. Then after eating I got super close to having a coma. I chillaxed the rest of the day!

1st Quarter Reflection

What I think about the first quarter. It was great and fun. I thought all my teachers for exploratory were nice and awesome! One thing I would have to work on is paying attention and home-shares. Over all my first quarter was fun and exciting. Wish I made the cheer team but that’s ok. Bye 👋